About Us


“We unlock each individual child’s potential by being a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) that TRUST (Truth, Respect, Unity, Sincerity, Tolerance) each other”

Our motto helps underpin the way in which as a church school we care for each other and accept each other as a unique individual.

To support children through their journey in school we believe in positive management of behaviour.

The following principles are promoted within Brading CE Primary.

  • All members of the community have a right to be safe.
  • All members of the community have a right to be respected.
  • All members of the community have a right to learn.


All the staff at Brading CE Primary are committed to meeting the individual needs of each child. Each child has their own individual plans (IP) which are tracked throughout the school year. Regular half-term reviews take place to monitor the progress each child is making towards their targets. 

Values and Ethos
As a staff, we value the following:

  • A caring, Christian community which values every member.
  • A successful partnership with parents and governors.
  • Partnership and team-work within the staff and community.
  • Support for each other in enhancing and improving teaching and learning.
  • Care, respect and appreciation of the environment.
  • Good manners and sensitivity to the needs of others.
  • Pride in our school.
  • An inviting, stimulating environment in which all visitors feel welcome.
  • High standards of presentation.
  • Effort and perseverance.
  • Co-operation with outside agencies.
  • A sense of humour!

The School Governors

For more information about the School Governors, please look at their profiles.