Meet the Staff Team

Headteacher Mrs Beverley Gilbert
EYFS and Key Stage One Lead Mrs Alison Attwell
Key Stage Two Lead Mr Tom Fisher
School Business Manager Mrs Donna Stubbs
Inclusion and Resource Provsion Lead Miss Clare Matson
Teaching and Learning Lead Mrs Beryl Miller
Administrator Mrs Bekky Wenman
Family Liaison Officer Mrs Jo Willshire
Clerk to Governors Mrs Rosie Barnard


Antigua Class (Preschool)

Preschool Leads: Miss Katie Horrigan and Miss Belle Earley

St Lucia (Reception)

Teacher: Mrs Keelin Hayward (PE Lead)

Learning Support: Miss Amy Simler

Maldives (Year 1)

Teacher: Mrs Alison Attwell (English, Phonics and ECT Lead)

New Zealand (Year 2)

Teacher: Miss Jada Silk (Science Lead)

Learning Support: Miss Leanne MItchell

Malta (Year 3)

Teacher: Miss Chloe Fuller (Computing Lead)

Galapagos (Year 4)

Teacher: Mr Tom Fisher (Maths and MFL Lead)

Learning Support: Mrs Shirley Dell

Iceland (Year 5)

Teacher: Miss Emily Peasley (Music and Cultural Lead and EVC)

Learning Support: Mrs Nicky Widgery

Jamaica (Year 6)

Teacher: Mr Connor Baker (Art and Design and Design Technology Lead)

Learning Support: Mrs Sally Cooney

Hawaii (KS2 Provision)

Teacher: Miss Shannen Ward (Humanities and Computing Lead)

Learning Support: Mrs Emma Crossley and Miss Feni Gulliver

Cuba (KS1 Provision)

Teacher: Mrs Caroline Gardner (RE Lead)

Learning Support: Mrs Alex Lendon

Across the School

Mrs Allison Larner, Mrs Donna Wall and Mrs Rachel Powell (HLTA)

Site Staff

Mr Justin Earley (Site Manager)



Shannen Ward and Emily Peasley are school representatives for the National Education Union.