- Children can access a wide range of computing areas including: digital literacy, computer science and Information Technology.
- Through the planning and use of cross curricular activities, the goal is for children to use Computing to support the rest of their learning.
- Children are to become proficient users of Computing in the 21st Century so they can thrive in adulthood.
- Children know how to protect themselves and keep safe online.
- It is tailored to the children's age.
- Online safety is a key feature for all Primary school children and here at Brading all pupils will be taught online safety through the use of both the specified online safety days and the modules covered in each year group.
- Computing will be planned into topic and core subjects as fitting.
- There will be a weekly computing lesson planned into the timetable for every year group – EYFS will have access to programmable toys.
- Homework is now done through the online platform Purple Mash, with other online platforms available to support learning in school and at home e.g. Bug Club.
- Tapestry will be used within the EYFS setting to assess and monitor the children’s progress.
- Online safety days ensure children can make good choices in school and at home.
- Through the use of Tapestry, the children in EYFS are able to have their progress shared with their families.
- Children will feel confident with a wide range of computing skills and knowledge.
- Core and foundation subjects will be positively impacted and learning enhanced through the cross-curricular links.
- Children will be proficient users of a range of online platforms to support them in adulthood.